Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Production of the Goods on large scale or a small scale by the use of the skills is know as the small scale industry. Industry may be small scale, medium, or large scale. Cottage industries are known as small scale industries. Such industries are very important for a developing country like Nepal. Cottage industries use of locally aptly raw materials produced in the country. Our country produced numerous raw materials.

           Industries use them to produced things of our daily use. We do not need to import such things. In this way, cottage industries pave the way for economic development Small industries like carving enhance the dexterity of people in one hand, and preserve the art and architecture of our country in another hand.In addition to the proper use of locally produced raw materials, they give place for skilled manpower, laborers,transportation, communication, marketing system and machinery. Various group of people get engaged in the industries and solve the financial crisis of many people and meet the local needs.

                 They can occupy themselves in activities like weaving clothes, carpet making, pottery, carving making bamboos baskets, making utensils, making shoes, etc. Due to the following works the face tries are established due to which many people of the country can  get the job facilities by which the people of the country should not go foreign country in order to earn money. If the job facilitate are available in own country then the country can be develop properly by which the country people can get more facilities own country. If the job opportunity is available in the own country then the people of the country will do hard work by the thought of that they are doing the country int there own country by which the country can be develop properly and fast.

                If the country established more industries and provide the facilitate to the employer then the people of the country will be attracted. If the number of the industries are more then the requirement of the raw materials will be also more by which the village people also can get job facilities. Cottage industries are established in more and more then the job opportunity will be more by which the people of our country can get easily job facilities. Due to the available of the job facilities in the own country the manpower will not go out of the country by which the country can develop well.

              Nepal is full of local resources and raw materials so that the cottage industry is the best for the business in the Nepal. Not only this the manpower of the Nepal are also more so that the cottage industry is the best for the Nepal industry. Cottage industry requires lots of the raw materials as well as manpower which are available in Nepal that's why the cottage industry is the best business for the Nepalese people. So the Government of our country should provide facilities for the cottage industry.

                Government of our country should appoint the people who know about cottage industry. They should be sent to aware and give training about the cottage industry by which the people who are trying to invest their money in the bushiness then they can get aware and they can be save from the frauds and others people who cheat them and take their money. If there is good cooperation from all cottage industries could be the best way for the development of the country and use of local, skills and manpower. 


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