Saturday, August 1, 2015

                   The people who earn their livelihood by begging are called the beggars. We can see them in the side of the street, around the temple and around the holy places and in the bus stops. Begging is not an illegal work in the eastern world. Giving alms and charity is considered a great virtue by the easterners. It is the custom handed by the forefather. So the number of the beggars are increasing day by day, which has been serious problem in our country.

                    Begging is compatible with distinct perspectives and reasons. The root cause of begging is poverty. similarly, another prime reason is our religious sentiment. People consider giving alms and dole is a great virtue. It is our custom established since the time immemorial. They give a few rupees and gifts with great devotion and the respect. Likewise natural calamities like earthquake, landslide, and floods push the hundred man towards the homeless who have no other way but begging to live in. Son the people are compelled to beg. Further, some handicapped people viz-blind, lame, dumb, deaf etc have nothing to do. They have nothing to eat they have no where to live so in order to live in they have to beg in order live. Humanity demands to help such beggars.  We should feel immense sympathy to them. But some of the people beg due to hard work. They think that the begging is the more easy to  do another works.Some beggars are consider holy men. They are called the sadhus the sage or hermits. They are supposed t be great scholars, who possess diving power. People expect blessing from them and want to predict their future by the sadhus.  They fear to be cursed by them. Hence they are given the dole or alms and gifts with great devotion and honour.  The sadhu are supposed to have  renounced the entire world but most of them are cheats. However there are some some real sadhus, who live in seclusion. They don't begging. The false sadhus or the beggars in the disguise and sadhus are very cunning. They pretend themselves to be helpless and rigged. They put on the grab of sadhus besmear their faces with ashes. They have houses land and children. They even dare to steal pick pocketing and the rob the people if they find a nice opportunity.

                    Begging is a nuisance and a great hindrance to the progress and prosperity of a country. So, begging should be discouraged. It should be prohibited by the law.  In the some western country the begging is the illegal activities.  beggar is strictly punished if the beggars are found in the street or any area. There is the pension for the unemployment, homeless, and other who don't have food to eat and house to live. But in our country the beggars are allowed to beg in the free condition. Not only this even some of the beggars are come to home without any problems. So in order to stop such things the government of our country should also provide the facilities. If the such kind of facilities are provided to the people then the country beggars will be controlled.

                     If the available of such kind of facilities also the people start to begging then the government of our country should take the strict punishment to the those people. So the government of our country should provide enough facilities to the people who don't have house to live and food to eat.



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